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Hi, I'm Kyriaki
your newest mom friend!
Let's be honest, the best part of being a mom is the mom friends right? Kidding. (Kind of.)
If you need some support, please reach out. After all, momming is easier and more fun when we do it together!

Jan 17, 20243 min read
Finding power in parenting
Parenting can be overwhelming. Since when did we become the adults? Suddenly we have to make all the decisions? Should they go to school...
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Aug 8, 20232 min read
Are you a bad mom? How to know for sure
Spoiler alert - the fact that you are asking the question, “Am I a bad mom?” is proof that you are NOT a bad mom. There are very, very...
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Jul 31, 20233 min read
What I thought of the Barbie Movie as a mom
What I loved and did not love about the Barbie Movie as a mom.
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Feb 18, 20233 min read
More hacks for coping with anxiety in motherhood
Like a lot of moms, my battle with anxiety began when I first had kids. I've posted about anxiety before, but I would love to add a few...
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Nov 5, 20222 min read
Taking the long view in parenting: When it helps and when it hurts
I’m always thinking ahead. I think most moms are like that. We see the fire that needs to be put out before it even starts, we plan for...
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Oct 17, 20222 min read
Unloading the Mental Load: helping moms cope with the day to day of motherhood
You’ve probably heard the term “Mental Load” tossed around quite a bit. But what does it mean? “Mental Load” is a term that refers to the...
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Aug 29, 20223 min read
Generations of Motherhood, Generations of Pain
Let me tell you about the great-great grandmother I met recently. Let me tell you about her graceful elegance and quiet demeanor. Let me...
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Jun 21, 20222 min read
How I cope with anxiety in parenting
I never struggled with anxiety before having kids, even in a high stress profession like being a News Reporter or working nearly 24 hours...
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May 29, 20222 min read
How to be happy in parenting... and in life
I know, I know… it’s a bold claim to assume I have the answer to yours, or anyone else’s happiness. But hear me out. After going through...
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Apr 27, 20222 min read
Rewards vs. Bribes: What's OK when it comes to parenting and what's not
If you are like me and you have studied many different parenting methods, then you have likely heard over and over what experts deem as...
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Feb 21, 20224 min read
My recipe for better toddler sleep
Sleep, or the lack thereof, is such a major part of parenting. And while no two kids are exactly alike, and no two parents or parenting...
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Oct 5, 20213 min read
Why is it so hard to let kids try?
They say a child who is always caught when they fall learns to fall with their arms UP, versus a child who is allowed to fall, who learns...
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Aug 28, 20213 min read
Mom hacks that get me through the day
This is a no-judgement zone. As a recovering perfectionist, it’s hard to admit that I struggle and it’s also hard to admit that I cut...
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Jun 9, 20213 min read
How to parent your best when you're at your worst
I don't know about you, but when things are running smoothly I'm a pretty good mom. And when my kids are at school or with a babysitter,...
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May 2, 20213 min read
"Mom Mantras" that help me enjoy motherhood
I am a big believer in speaking life into your world. So here are my most common "Mom Mantras" that help me not only survive motherhood,...
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Apr 13, 20213 min read
What I wish moms would have told me when I was pregnant
What I wish moms would have told me when I was expecting my first baby
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Mar 2, 20214 min read
Top 10 life sucking lies that trap moms
Being a mom is hard enough as it is, without our internal thoughts attacking us from within too. Below are the top ten lies I’ve...
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Feb 11, 20214 min read
How to pursue your dreams while raising kids
My mom gave up a law career to stay home and raise five kids. My whole life I thought she regretted this decision, even though she tells...
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Feb 6, 20216 min read
Adult Temper Tantrums: Helping parents navigate their emotions
Have you ever screamed at your kids? I mean red faced, screamed at them? Admit it. I have and it sucked. We had just moved into a new...
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Dec 17, 20207 min read
So you hate motherhood… Now what?
You tried for months. Then it happened. You got pregnant! Quickly, though, the joy was replaced by nausea… vomiting… gas… insane mood...
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